

How to Achieve Greatness No Matter Your Circumstances
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How to Achieve Greatness No Matter Your Circumstances

Where does drive come from? It seems like some people are always driven, while others struggle to find drive. Watch this short video to see what makes people achieve greatness in spite of their circumstances. Share this video with your team. #motivationmonday #mindset #purpose #drive #achievegreatness #keynote ———————————————————————— Get to know more about Trevor! • […]
How To Improve Your EQ
MindsetTrevor Ambrose Sales Public Speaking Training Boost Emotional Intelligence Thumbnail

How To Improve Your EQ

Your emotions can drive your success or your failures, make sure you are in control of them. Send this video to a friend or a business person to improve EQ. Watch this short video to see how you can boost your emotional intelligence. 00:00 How we create stories 01:56 How to become more emotionally intelligent […]
How to Change Your Life
MindsetTrevor Ambrose Keynote Speaker Motivation Mindset The Decision Thumbnail Youtube

How to Change Your Life

Life is not about what you want, it’s about something far more powerful. This 1 billboard message changed the entire direction of my life, and it might do the same for you. #mondaymotivation #quotes #mindset #selfdevelopment #trevorambrose #keynotespeaker ———————————————————————— Get to know more about Trevor! • Website: https://www.trevorambrose.com/ • See our Online Courses: https://trevorambroseacademy.getlearn… • […]
What’s Your Passion Percentage
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What’s Your Passion Percentage

What’s your passion percentage score? In this quick video Trevor explains how your tone and pace have a great impact on your sales. 00:00 How to miss a sale 01:08 Why passion matters 02:09 How to use passion to close sales #salestips #closingdeals #salessuccess #salesstrategy #salestraining #salesskills #saleshacks #salesadvice #salesmastery #salestechniques #salesprofessionals #boostsales #salesgoals #salesleadership […]
How Many Times Should You Practice Your Speech?
Public SpeakingTrevor Ambrose Speech Practice Public Speaking Thumbnail

How Many Times Should You Practice Your Speech?

One of the most common questions I receive is, “How many times should I practice my speech?” Watch this quick video to find out how you can prepare for any speech, pitch or presentation. Get INSTANT ACCESS to our ‘Art of Speechwriting’ online video course here: https://trevorambroseacademy.getlearnworlds.com/course/the-art-of-speechwriting 00:00 Write Down Your Speech 01:15 Read Your […]
How to Sell to The 4 Different Types of Buyers
SalesTrevor Ambrose Sales 4 Types Of Buyers Thumbnail

How to Sell to The 4 Different Types of Buyers

Most sales people I speak to struggle to understand why some buyers hesitate while others eagerly commit. Close more sales more frequently by understanding the 4 different types of buyers. Ready to crack the code behind purchasing decisions? 00:00 The Different Types of Buyers 01:13 The Tire Kicker 03:15 The Pure Price Buyer 05:51 The […]
The Key to Productivity
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The Key to Productivity

Motivation isn’t the most effective way to boost productivity for you or your staff. Watch this video to find out how you can create longevity and discover the key to productivity. Embark on a transformative journey inspired by explorer Mike Horn’s unique insights, discovering the universal key to productivity that resonates across individuals, sales teams, […]
You Need to STOP and LISTEN When Selling
SalesTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Presentation Sales Training Sales Technique

You Need to STOP and LISTEN When Selling

In the world of sales, success hinges on understanding before pitching. 🗣️ Watch this video to discover the power of active listening in meeting your client’s needs. Elevate your sales game and build lasting relationships. #salestips #salestraining #activelistening #entrepreneurship #salescoaching 00:00 The elephant in the room 00:21 How to get past this objection 01:08 When […]
This Technique Will WOW Your Audience
Public SpeakingTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Presentation Sales Training Thumbnail

This Technique Will WOW Your Audience

Look like a seasoned speaker with this one technique, no matter how confident you feel. 00:00 Why to use this technique 00:33 How to use the halfway method 01:18 Example ———————————————————————— Get to know more about Trevor! • Website: https://www.trevorambrose.com/ • Buy The Impromptu Speaking Course: https://trevorambroseacademy.mykajabi.com/offers/vtR2eTJD • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trevor_ambrose/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrevorAmbroseSalesandPresentationTraining • LinkedIn: […]
What’s Your Mindset? | This Shift Could Change EVERYTHING
Mindset, SalesTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Presentation Sales Training Fear Or Favour Mindset Thumbnail

What’s Your Mindset? | This Shift Could Change EVERYTHING

Do you operate out of FEAR or FAVOUR? A single change in mindset could drastically change the course of your career or business. Share this with someone who needs some motivation. #mindset #salestraining #mindsetmotivation #salestips #salesforcetraining #motivationgoals #fearorfavour ———————————————————————— Get to know more about Trevor! • Website: https://www.trevorambrose.com/ • Buy The Impromptu Speaking Course: https://trevorambroseacademy.mykajabi.com/offers/vtR2eTJD […]
Get Your Message Across | Boost Your Business Exposure
SalesTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Presentation Sales Training Boost Business Exposure Thumbnail

Get Your Message Across | Boost Your Business Exposure

Video marketing doesn’t have to be perfect. Don’t strive for perfection, strive for connection. Focus on educating your audience rather than selling to them. Shoot your first video and start sharing your knowledge. This video is DEFINITELY not perfect – but it connects with our audience. Tag us on your next video, we’d love to […]
How to Explain a Tricky Concept to ANYONE
Public Speaking, SalesTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Presentation Sales Training Analogy To Reality Thumbnail

How to Explain a Tricky Concept to ANYONE

People resonate with stories, images and pictures – not descriptions and technical terms. Join Trevor as he uncovers how you can make difficult concepts easy for ANYONE to understand. 00:00 What NOT to do 00:35 The technique in action 01:23 How to make it simple #publicspeaking #motivationalmonday #salestips #keynotespeaker #leadershipdevelopment #inspiration #successtips #presentationskills #businessdevelopment #goalsetting […]
How to Get Past THIS Price Objection
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How to Get Past THIS Price Objection

“Your price is too high. We have a cheaper option. This will not work for us.” How do you deal with these types of objections? Have you ever bought a bad cup of coffee? Help the prospect calculate the cost of NOT doing business with you. 00:00 Price Objection 00:31 The Initial Cost 01:02 Calculate […]
How to Start Any Speech or Presentation
Public Speaking, SalesTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Sales Training Nail Your Opening Linkedin Thumbnail

How to Start Any Speech or Presentation

How are you meant to start your pitch or presentation? Use these 3 techniques if you want to hit the ground running the next time you present. Let us know in the comments your secret to a great opening. #publicspeaking #salestips #openspeech #startspeech #presentationskills #salestechniques #communicationskills #salestraining Get to know more about Trevor! • Website: […]
These tips will help you NAIL your next presentation
Public SpeakingTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Sales Training Speech Preparation

These tips will help you NAIL your next presentation

Are you about to give a speech or presentation and need some quick and effective strategies to boost your confidence and deliver a memorable performance? Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or new to public speaking, these tried-and-true techniques will help you calm your nerves, sharpen your focus, and deliver your message with impact. 00:00 – […]
This is how to make the most out of CRM
Public SpeakingTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Sales Training How To Use Crm

This is how to make the most out of CRM

CRM is your most VALUABLE asset. Have you mastered your business’ CRM system? Learn how to elevate your sales game and cultivate longer lasting connections with Trevor’s CRM tips. Share this with your sales team! 00:00 Introduction 01:00 My Best Tip for CRM 02:13 A big CRM mistake 03:19 A tip for keeping up to […]
How to Sell With Social Proof
SalesTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Sales Training Social Proof Thumbnail

How to Sell With Social Proof

Is sales proof a key part of your sales strategy? Watch this video to unlock the power of social proof and close more sales.   #SocialProof #SalesStrategy #MarketingTips #Influence #CustomerReviews #SalesConversion #TrustBuilding #SalesSuccess #DigitalMarketing #SocialMediaMarketing #BusinessGrowth #ConsumerBehavior #SalesTechniques #MarketingPsychology #Testimonials #BuyerBehavior #SalesTactics #ProofOfConcept #ConversionRateOptimization #CustomerSatisfaction #InfluencerMarketing #BrandReputation #PersuasiveSelling #SocialValidation #MarketingStrategy
3 Common Mistakes in a Sales Pitch
SalesTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Sales Training Sales Pitch Mistakes Thumbnail

3 Common Mistakes in a Sales Pitch

Be careful not to make these 3 common mistakes in your next sales pitch. Watch this quick guide if you want to find out how. Get to know more about Trevor! • Website: https://www.trevorambrose.com/ • Buy The Impromptu Speaking Course: https://trevorambroseacademy.mykajabi.com/offers/vtR2eTJD • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trevor_ambrose/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrevorAmbroseSalesandPresentationTraining • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevorambrose/ • Buy my book: https://trevor-ambrose.square.site/product/public-speaking-book-by-trevor-ambrose/3
How To Manage Conflict
MindsetTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Sales Training Conflict Management Thumbnail

How To Manage Conflict

Knowing how to manage conflict is an important skill to have. Have you ever found yourself in a conflict with someone, whether at work or in your personal life? It’s pretty common, right? But the good news is that conflict doesn’t have to be a negative thing. In fact, if managed correctly, conflict can lead […]
How Do I Give an Elevator Pitch?
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How Do I Give an Elevator Pitch?

Knowing how to give an elevator pitch is an important skill to have. Let’s see where it all started. In the early 1980s. People struggled to get hold of decision makers. So what they did was they waited in the lobby until decision makers arrived. And when they climbed into the elevator, the salespeople jumped […]
How To Get Past Rejections In Sales
SalesTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Sales Training How To Take Rejection Thumbnail Website

How To Get Past Rejections In Sales

Imagine the best sales day of your life. These strategies will immediately increase your sales this year. Do you struggle with the fear of rejection when it comes to sales? If so, you’re not alone. But what if I told you that by changing your mindset and approach, you could overcome that fear and close […]
How to Get Past Gatekeepers
SalesTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Sales Training Gatekeepers 1920x1080 Thumbnail

How to Get Past Gatekeepers

Do you find it frustrating getting hold of people that you really want to talk to and you constantly get blocked? People are not there. They’re not available. Well, if you want to learn how to get past gatekeepers, listen up. This is going to help people. You know, in sales, it’s all about leads, […]
How to Sell to CEOs & Executives
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How to Sell to CEOs & Executives

These simple tips will help you immediately get more traction with executives and CEOs. Sales are so much easier if you can talk to the top person in the company. But it’s not always that easy selling to CEOs. If you want to learn how to talk to them and sell to them, listen up. Do you […]
How to Boost Sales in 2023
SalesTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Sales Training How To Boost Sales 2023 Thumbnail Website

How to Boost Sales in 2023

What if I tell you that the number one tip to lose weight could potentially help you to boost sales in your company? Now, you might think kale or cow comes in. Number two, the number one way to lose weight is this Grab yourself and five of your friends and decide how much weight […]
How to Close a Sale
SalesTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Sales Training How To Close A Sale 1920x1080

How to Close a Sale

Trevor Ambrose here today. Today we’re talking about how to close a sale. You want to know more? Listen up. So coming into sales. What do we need to know? Remember, not all sales are the same and not all sales at the same length. In time. Remember a couple of things that when we […]
How To Present Professionally With A Microphone
Public SpeakingTrevor Ambrose Public Speaking Sales Presenting Microphone Tips 101 1920x1080

How To Present Professionally With A Microphone

Presenting Microphone Tips: You will look like a seasoned speaker when you implement these microphone tips for your next speech, pitch or presentation. Trevor covers lapel microphones, handheld microphones and lectern microphones in this educational video. Test all the multi-media equipment and the microphone. Walk around on stage and test different areas on stage to […]
How to Start a Speech or Presentation
Public SpeakingTrevor Ambrose How To Start A Speech Or Sales Presentation 1920 Thumnailv2

How to Start a Speech or Presentation

Do you have trouble starting a speech? Have you spent hours trying to find the best way to start a presentation? In this video, I look at the top best ways a person can start a speech or presentation. Also how you can engage your audience from the moment you started speaking. I hope this […]
How to talk slower and sound more professional in sales and public speaking.
Public SpeakingTrevor Ambrose Slow Down Your Public Speaking And Sales Speaking

How to talk slower and sound more professional in sales and public speaking.

In this video, we look at what it takes to slow down people’s fast speaking. We also dissect why people speak fast and learn tips and techniques to help everyone pace themselves and talk with confidence in a clear, concise and paced manner. Trevors LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevorambrose/ Trevors Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trevor_ambrose/  
Sales Training: How to speak professionally and convert leads in Telesales.
SalesTrevor Ambrose Slow Down Your Public Speaking And Sales Training Los Res

Sales Training: How to speak professionally and convert leads in Telesales.

Learn how to take your Telesales to the next level with these 5 speaking tips used in my sales training. Also, be sure to let us know what you would like to see by emailing us at contact@trevorambrose.com.
Do you compliment or complain?
MindsetCompliment Or Complain

Do you compliment or complain?

Life doesn’t always have to be one complaint after another. What if there was a better way?
What defines you
MindsetWhat Defines You

What defines you

The one thing that will define your success or failure. Are you up for the challenge?
Where’s your validation?
MindsetWhere’s Your Validation

Where’s your validation?

Where do you find your validation? Is your validation on the outside or inside?
Public Speaking Technique: Start with Impact
Public SpeakingPublic Speaking Technique Start With Impact

Public Speaking Technique: Start with Impact

Time to start your speech with impact! Sometimes all it takes is to start off your speech with impact to win your audience.
Public Speaking Technique: Explain the Picture
Public SpeakingPublic Speaking Technique Explain The Picture

Public Speaking Technique: Explain the Picture

Have you ever felt lost for words when you have to do a presentation? Feel like you have to rely too much on your notes?
Sales Technique: 10 by 10
SalesSales Technique 10 By 10

Sales Technique: 10 by 10

Here is a very useful tip on how to smash your sales KPIs! What are some tips you have?
Public Speaking Technique: S.T.A.R
Public SpeakingPublic Speaking Technique

Public Speaking Technique: S.T.A.R

Here is a great public speaking technique to help you speak clearly when explaining a situation and a result.
Sales Technique: 3 D’s of Emails
Sales3 Email Tips

Sales Technique: 3 D’s of Emails

Here are 3 things that can help your email workflow be quick, easy and efficient. Share your #1 tip to clear out your inbox?
Trevors Tips n Tricks
we will email you free tips in the future
Trevor Ambrose
Based on 224 reviews
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Roy Walley
Roy Walley
20:56 21 Nov 23
Boyd S
Boyd S
12:05 21 Nov 23
Best sales psychologist in the World!
Alex Portelli
Alex Portelli
03:26 17 Nov 23
Tony Ewing
Tony Ewing
21:00 15 Nov 23
Great Telesales training from Trevor!! Thank you!
Mohammad Burhan Al Rashid
Mohammad Burhan Al Rashid
05:29 01 Nov 23
Trevor is an exceptional public speaking trainer, and I can't recommend him enough. I have had the opportunity to attend his training and his expertise, guidance and practical techniques were invaluable in helping me overcome my fear of public speaking and significantly improving my communication skills.
Shaun Manne
Shaun Manne
04:41 27 Sep 23
Trevor, your Psychology of Sales online training was fantastic! Id give 10 stars if i could. You definetly did your homework on everyone that was involved and included everybody and their business on a personal level throughout the 4 hours. I would 100% recommend everyone do this course if you'd like an edge over the competition. Thanks for a great day. PS I forgot to ask how much the microphone was! 😉
The Butels
The Butels
22:30 11 Sep 23
I attended Trevor's Telesales training yesterday and was Very happy with the course. Trevor was very knowledgeable, extremely well spoken, did not lose the group for a minute and went out of his way to help everyone on the course. I would not hesitate to recommend Trevor to anyone.#epicpublicspeaker
05:17 17 Aug 23
Trevor Ambrose was the keynote speaker for our 2023 Bendpro Team Day. His insights on teamwork and adopting a “green mindset” & staying “above the line” were eye-opening. This has transformed the team’s perspective for the better. Trevor’s presentation was thought-provoking and relevant to our needs. His stories are relatable, meaningful, and really show you that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. He kept our team engaged both in the presentation and in the activities. His training is priceless and as a company we would use his services again. Thank you for inspiring us to become a stronger unit. We look forward to applying what we learned in our daily work.
Nadine Freitag
Nadine Freitag
23:45 30 May 23
BGL has worked with Trevor a few times over the years and we highly recommend his workshop and online training for groups or individuals.The feedback was very positive and he has helped our employees feel more confident with public speaking and presentations.Thanks Trevor!
Fergus Pocock
Fergus Pocock
22:43 10 Mar 23
It was great to have the opportunity to join Trevor for one of his training courses in Belfast today 2023/03/10, I can fully recommend his training programs.Many thanks Trevor, regards Fergus.
Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor
16:28 10 Mar 23
Great content. Really practical advice and content that we can bring directly into our business. Trevor delivers a fun and practical classroom. Highly recommended
11:35 22 Feb 23
Trevor, thanks so much for yesterday's session, I must admit I am always a little skeptical of training in sales, there are so many different opinions about various methods and theories but your content was different, it was a real breath of fresh air. Thanks again.
Antonio Alegre
Antonio Alegre
04:00 07 Feb 23
Thank you Trevor Ambrose for such a great session last week at Hidrive. We thoroughly enjoyed your Sales Psychology training. Fantastic tips and lots of fun...We all got a lot out of it. Thoroughly Recomended your work. Cheers Antonio
Paul Lombard
Paul Lombard
18:34 15 Oct 22
I thoroughly enjoyed the session and can see how relevant the skills Trevor explains are for business, as well as everyday life. There are some simple changes to implement immediately, but otherwise a concerted effort is necessary, with much to work on. Working on these skills will improve oneself immensely. Trevor is truly a master and has a very relatable demeanor. I definitely recommend Trevor's course for marketing and sales, and will jump at another opportunity to learn more from him!
10:30 16 Sep 22
Completed Psychology of Sales course with Trevor yesterday, still processing the volume of great content. Excellent presenter, very engaging and informative, highly recommend to anyone looking to enhance their business and/or personal development. Thank you Trevor!
Janelle Doberstein
Janelle Doberstein
21:22 11 Aug 22
Super training. Trevor you were so captivating and have so much knowledge. I loved every second and look forward to what your training will bring to our companies in the future, once we put in place what we have learnt.
Tyler Barnes
Tyler Barnes
12:16 10 Aug 22
Cracking sales coach! Worked with Trevor for four hours and he has hugely helped build up the confidence of the sales team at our business. Working on soft skills and the psychology of selling has been massively helpful for us as a company, I can see us coming back for more.
21:28 14 Jul 22
Trevor was a fantastic speaker and teacher. I learned more in 4 hours with him then I have in hours and days of training with others.He is very positive and interacts with the people listening by getting them to answer questions , or get them to actually to the activity , not just have everyone watch. Highly recommend. Would love to do more courses with Trevor.
Ken Fooks
Ken Fooks
09:14 12 Jun 22
The Psychology of Sales Course was very instructive, enlightening, I found it confirmed what I am experiencing in a Sales role ,Dealing with customers on a daily basis.I will certainly look forward to more excellent content from Trevor.Trevor is an inspiration to all ,understanding the needs and feelings of a Person in a Sales role.Many Thanks Trevor and Team.Ken - SCVA.
Oz Donk
Oz Donk
07:26 05 Apr 22
Trevor is a very inspirational trainer in sales, and well worth attending any of his classes, or getting him into your business if you can. It's certainly not just "head knowledge" with Trevor.
Cameron Cavey
Cameron Cavey
00:45 25 Mar 22
Trevor's course was well presented and taught me alot about structure and presentation.Well worth doing his courses
Victoria Houen
Victoria Houen
05:47 08 Mar 22
Excellent, simple and clear information.Loved it. Learned so much.So many spice jars in my rack now 😉☺️
Jethro Buchner
Jethro Buchner
14:25 23 Sep 21
Very engaging and so many golden nuggets to take away and implement.
Jennae Evans
Jennae Evans
22:04 04 Aug 21
absolutely amazing coaching! super motivational and interesting to hear some new tactics... thanks trevor!
See All Reviews

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